BİZ SİZE DÖNERİZ by Doğa Can Anafarta 2017

How bad can a job interview go? Is it possible to go to a job interview and manage not to have an interview at all? How far can a car go with 4 TL of fuel? Or can it even go? How many times can a person hear “We’ll get back to you” without ever being contacted? Is work a love or is love a job? In the film, the answers to many of the questions humanity has been asking itself for centuries are being sought.

Director: Doğa Can Anafarta
Writer: Doğa Can Anafarta
Cast: Çağlar Ertuğrul, Hande Soral, Fırat Albayram, Tarık Ündüz, Bestemsu Özdemir, Tuğçe Kurşunoğlu